dearest blog,
today i went into the future. in the future people are honest and bring your cellphone to the lost and found people. in the future everything is bright and fancy, and it gives you a warm feeling in your tummy.
also i have learned that in the future, another future i was in today, that vip no longer means very important person. no, it means very intense penetration. and kids in this kind of future buy planners with the word starfucker written in big bold letters on the cover. this future i didn't like so much.
but the other future, the warm feeling in my tummy future that makes me want to be an egg, i liked. i liked it a lot. i can recommend everyone to go and take a look at this future called the nieuwe openbare bibliotheek in amsterdam, the new library. if you're looking for me, i'll most likely be there. it will become my new home, next to work.
it has been a wonderful day.
talk to you tomorrow dear blog, i love you.
Nice dog
The future rocks!
mathieu, do you have a dog as well?
i will visit the future soon again, anyone want to join me?
I want to visit the future!
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