Thursday, September 29, 2005

SFI som fan!

it has been a while since my last post. i have been very busy here! well, i went home for a week and then when i got back, we started right away with projects and groups and such more.

oh time for a funny intermezzo now, when i was home in rotterdam, i went to see josé gonzáles, a swedish singer songwriter. and we had talked to each other once before, so this time we had a little chat again. his performance was great by the way. and the next day, as i walked to the gate at the airport, guess who was at the same gate? fun fun huh?

back to business now. a week ago i heard that i was going to do the sfi test, which means svenska för invandrare and in english that is swedish for immigrants. i suck, i'm so so bad at studying on my own, so i basically just learned swedish from listening to people and reading magazines.

i had to do 4 tests. reading, listening, reading and a little writing, and finally write a job sollicitation. it went ok, i wasn't sure if i would pass cause you had to pas 70% of the test... but i did it! i nailed it! yay!!
so today was the second part, speaking test and oh my god was i nervous. it's a lot easier to read and listen then to speak it. i think a five year old has a bigger vocabulary than i have! but who knows.. i'll hear tomorrow if i passed todays test. keep your fingers crossed!

again, my love for pizza.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

the future of blogging

the topic i'm going to write about today has a slightly different feel than my other writings. at hyper we are having project weeks by the name of 'experience technology' and we had a lecture about how new technology will bring new possibilities and so on. the homework we got after this lecture was to write about the future on blogging. so this is what i will do now.

to start of, why for heaven's sake did i myself start a blog?
i started this blog after a day of boring work. my idea was to pay more attention to daily life and start noticing amazing things. this would force me to take a good look around myself and days wouldn't just pass by without notice. so i started this purely for myself, it's such a waste not noticing life and its great things. and every day i tried to write a 'what amazed me today'.
having a blog is the easy part, keeping the blog updated is a whole other story. after a while i stopped writing about amazing things, and after moving to hyper island, sweden, this blog turned into letters to people at home, so they can follow me in my adventures and take a look in my life here.

but what will the future of blogging look like?
so many people write a blog nowadays. about their lives, like a diary, about what drives them, about politics, science, art, animal rights.. basically, anything you can think of, people are writing about it. i think blogging will grow more and more. maybe it will be made easier to post a blog, maybe send in a blog through sms. or does that already exist?

to be completely honest, i don't know what the future will bring. i'm thinking this could be a phase? a hype? by the time the über most cool features, like videoblogging, webcamblogging, voiceblogs, aurablogs etc will make their appearance, people will be bored with blogging, or maybe it won't even be called blogging anymore?

how i love candy.

but what amazes me even more:
all this blog spam comment stuff i'm getting all the time, it's pissing me off.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

scandinavia loves rotown

this is what happens when you go home for a week. you can't seem to escape scandinavia, it's everywhere!

Sunday, September 04, 2005

aspen, sweden

yesterday we went to an island called aspö, it's about 30 minutes with the free ferry from trossö, karlskrona, where i live. and it was just a perfect day. the weather was great, blue skies, sun and a little breeze. just chillin', some beers and cookies.
and i saw my first snake in real life! it was dead, but still, it was really cool!

sweden and its enormous alcohol consumption.