SFI som fan!
it has been a while since my last post. i have been very busy here! well, i went home for a week and then when i got back, we started right away with projects and groups and such more.
oh time for a funny intermezzo now, when i was home in rotterdam, i went to see josé gonzáles, a swedish singer songwriter. and we had talked to each other once before, so this time we had a little chat again. his performance was great by the way. and the next day, as i walked to the gate at the airport, guess who was at the same gate? fun fun huh?
back to business now. a week ago i heard that i was going to do the sfi test, which means svenska för invandrare and in english that is swedish for immigrants. i suck, i'm so so bad at studying on my own, so i basically just learned swedish from listening to people and reading magazines.
i had to do 4 tests. reading, listening, reading and a little writing, and finally write a job sollicitation. it went ok, i wasn't sure if i would pass cause you had to pas 70% of the test... but i did it! i nailed it! yay!!
so today was the second part, speaking test and oh my god was i nervous. it's a lot easier to read and listen then to speak it. i think a five year old has a bigger vocabulary than i have! but who knows.. i'll hear tomorrow if i passed todays test. keep your fingers crossed!
again, my love for pizza.