Monday, August 07, 2006

i have no imagination..

.. and have not been challenged, like malin and tobias, to do this list. i just want to be as cool as them, right?

4 jobs i have had in my life:
1. managing the comicbook dept in a giant bookstore
2. before managing the comicbook dept in a giant bookstore, i worked 2 months at the cash register in a giant bookstore
3. did some paid interning as assistant curator and press releases writer person
4. walked around with drinks at parties (as in handing them to people that is, not drinking them myself. wow that would have been a great wino job)

4 movies i can see over and over again:
1. zoolander
2. lost in translation
3. the neverending story (only part 1, not the sequel, that one does not exist in my book, its stupid stupid, just the original, am i being clear on that?)
4. rushmore

4 cities i have lived in:
1. bergen op zoom
2. rotterdam
3. karlskrona
4. amsterdam

4 tv shows i like to watch:
1. lost (love/hate relationship)
2. seinfeld
3. arrested development
4. i havent had a tv for a while now, what's on tv? law and order? something like that i like watching too.

4 places i want to go to:
1. new york
2. costa rica
3. some island in the pacific
4. buenos aires

4 websites i visit daily (this will make me look pathetic):
4. (or, depends if i need to go somewhere in amsterdam to which i have moved recently)

4 favourite foodies:
1. pasta pasta pasta
2. udon noodles by ingie
3. summer veggie grilling in the park, which i realize its not a food, but an atmosphere, but still..
4. poffertjes, re-discovered yesterday

4 places i feel comfortable at:
1. de baan in rotterdam
2. anywhere in my new appartment in amsterdam
3. under, behind, next to or in front of my laptop
4. on tobbe's brown couch, not the white ones

4 persons i want to challenge to do this list thing:
can i pick no one here?