Thursday, October 19, 2006

of mice and the rapture

last night, kristina and i went to see the david gilmour girls and the rapture in the melkweg in amsterdam. it was great. i hadn't seen the david gilmour girls with my old roommate maarten on drums yet but it was great great. the rapture were cool too. we had a super evening, even though i was feeling wrecked before. drinking too much coffee on an empty stomach isn't the best idea ever.

when we got home and were in bed for like one minute we heard this insane scream. it sounded like our upstairs neighbour got slaughtered to death. it turned out she saw a mouse when she entered her apartment. i tried to catch it for her, with no luck.. until this morning..

i opened the cupboard to see if there were any mice trails and yes there were. since the cupboard is high up i couldn't look in, but kristina saw a tiny head popping up from her pack of crackers. i then took a bowl and a cutting board, shoved the pack in the bowl and covered it with the cutting board. tada! i caught the mouse! it was so cute. the bowl was see through so i could see its little claws against it, the mouse being all scared and tiny.

i took it across the street and set it free. i regret now that i didn't keep it, but i'm sure he'll be back soon.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hallo Jolly,
Wat ben je lief en redt weer een muis om verder te leven.Bravooo....wie weet misschien kom hij weer terug om jullie op te zoeken.Of misschien worden een vriendje voor Miou-Miou?.

Kusjes Mamsi.

10:19 AM  

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