Wednesday, December 07, 2005

my view on the sfi test

i'm writing this because i received some questions from an anonymous person, and i would like to let her or him know what's up with this sfi test.

so ok anonymous, here i go!

why do i have to take the sfi test?
to be honest, i didn't know for a looooong long time, and i still don't know what will happen when i fail again. my school just can't give me an answer on this, so whatever, i'll just do the test for the second time.
i think i have to do the test because i have to prove i understand swedish to be allowed to enter a school in sweden. for immigrants it's important to pass this test so they can go to komvux for an education, or get a job. i seriously hate this test, cause i'm not planning on staying in sweden, i'm here because the school kicks ass. it's a 2 year education, the 1st year i'm in sweden and next year i'll be doing an internship somewhere else on this planet. but i'm not a fortune teller, maybe i'll come back to sweden and stick around after finishing hyper island?

so what does this test look like?
the test consists of 2 parts. the first part is reading, listening, some more reading and then writing a letter. the 2nd part of the test is to speak about a certain subject for 2 to 4 minutes, it's being recorded and the lady just nods her head. then the other part on the speaking test is to have a discussion with another person, who is also taking the test.

why is it so hard?
well, i dunno really, i passed the reading and writing stuff after making the test after 1 month of living in sweden. the other people taking this test go to a special sfi course, as i understood. they go to school 4 hours a day, every day of the week. some have been going to the course for 3 months, some even 6 months or longer. but i guess dutch has some similarities to swedish which makes it easier to learn swedish the way i'm learning it. i listen to people, read magazines and watch a whole lot of tv. but it's so much easier to read than to speak...

i failed speaking on the first test, but hey, that's not a shame i think. but because i failed i had to do it all over again, this week. but i'll probably fail on the speaking test again because i just can't speak swedish.

and why does this all piss me off so much?
because i feel i've proven to understand the level of swedish on this test. i don't feel the need to be able to speak that much swedish, i can do chit chat and order stuff in a restaurant (except for this one time where i forgot to say 'vegetarisk' oooooops), but people here understand and speak enough english to make things clear. after being here only 4 months i think i'm doing quite ok. by the end of the year i might be able to speak a whole lot more and maybe even sing a drunken people's song.

they will call me this friday with the result.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

im glad you have the courage to answer my questions, even thou you dont know who am i, that doesnt really matters, one thing i would like to know, and many people over here asked me to ask someone who is new here and goes to sfi: what is that they made you write this time???and talk??? do you have to use lots of gramma in this language or really create a whole fantasy in it.
I should say swedish is easy to many people and i really hope this friday they could give you a positiv answer, and well, sfi test is could be the begining of many others as they say.
Lycka till, oh and please answer, im a high school teacher and my pupils were the ones who asked these questions, so i would like them to know what was exactly in your test, they woud analize the idea.thanks...

8:15 AM  

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